Don’t Agree To Spousal Support Without An Attorney
It is a common misconception that alimony is an automatic part of any divorce process. Only a small percentage of all divorces or separations have spousal support as part of the final judgment or decree. Yet, this can still be the most expensive aspect of your divorce because the divorces and separations that do involve spousal support are typically litigated.
What can also be litigated are child support payments. The amount that each parent in a child’s life is required to support the child can involve many factors and that’s why it’s important to have an attorney on your side to ensure that all parties are receiving or paying what they should.
The most important thing is to be proactive about this part of the process, whether you are the spouse offering financial support or receiving it. Even a small change in monthly support payments can have big financial repercussions when multiplied over years.
We Want To Help Your Family
There is another common misconception that, in the state of California, there is a formula in place that all courts use when calculating alimony payments. This may be true for temporary alimony payments, which potentially occur before divorce proceedings begin, but the courts are not allowed to use such formulas when determining permanent support. There are a lot of factors that the court uses to determine spousal and child support. Also, changes in how spousal support payments are reported on income taxes have financial repercussions to be considered.
At Smith Family Law, APC, we can help you navigate all of that, so you don’t have to do it on your own. We are happy to offer our experience and expertise as you try to find answers to important questions: How is spousal/child support determined? Is it fixed, or does it change as the incomes of the former spouses change? If there was infidelity in the marriage, does that affect spousal support? If so, how much? These are all questions that we can help you answer. Since being proactive is very important for this part of the process, contact us so we can get you important information sooner rather than later.
Get Advice From A Family Law Attorney First
Before you agree to any kind of payment involving spousal or child support, you should always speak to an attorney. You need someone who is going to be on your side and have your best interests in mind.
Get advice from a qualified family law attorney by calling Smith Family Law, APC, at (619) 431-3131 today. You can also use our online contact form to schedule a free initial consultation.